May Newsletter is out!

We'd been doing really well about getting these things out on time. But this is a good one.

2019-06-02 21:45:04


IF YOU'RE NOT subscribed to the newsletter then - meh. Ok. That's your thing.

But we spaff out a newsletter from time to time - monthly is the goal - but hey.

So for the unsubscribed, hear ye, hear ye:

go click this, it'll do you good.

And it's juicy! Here's a snippety-snip"

WE KNOW how much you've loved the excitement and trepidation of the Squirrel thing. And we've found an unexpected extension of the team in the metaphor. We have, in many ways, embraced the Squirrel. He is with us. We are the Squirrel.

But obscure-pygmy-rodent-references aside, it's time to get real. is a new service for Guernsey that looks to solve the frustrations of trying to find a new property, new vehicle or new job - all in one place.

Forget the endless daily searches of websites - now you can go to a single place, see all current results for your search and, if you so feel like [and why wouldn't you?] - save that as an alert and we'll tell you when you new stuff crops up. It's sort of like the comparethemarket for Guernsey.

It's really simpl... erm, easy. The meerkat / squirrel / rodent comparison thing is entirely coincidental. (Honestly!)

Anyway, we're really crazy excited about it all - and we hope you are too. There are also a few extra little surprises in store.

The site is now in final private beta - we've got around 50 dedicated [real] people using it and telling us what they love and hate. We expect to do a full public launch in the next few weeks.Yay!