UI Flashes after Migrating Blazor Projects To .NET 6

unexpected flashers are a real problem

2022-01-22 14:15:46
Danny has blogged:

I’ve noticed an issue recently after upgrading a few Blazor projects from .NET 5 to .NET 6 where the UI flashes after every call to StateHasChanged. Something like this:
A table with the title of "Vegetables". There are three columns (Id, Product and Quantity) and 3 rows of example data. The Id field disappears and reappears once a second causing the table to visibily shift back and forthFlash. Flash. Flash. Flash…

Yeah, that’s not annoying at all. Unfortunately it was happening in quite a few different places and was pretty darn noticeable, so it looked like I was going to have to dive in and figure out what exactly was causing this to go wrong (despite working perfectly in .NET 5)!

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